Saturday, February 18, 2017

Not so bad

Well, the storm wasn't nearly as bad as predicted, although we got quite a bit.  We didn't get snowed in, although it was close.  The road is a very narrow one lane with no turnouts for the entire length, so it's interesting traveling it.  Had quite a time the other day coming home, when the neighbor ended up coming down at the same time as I was going up.  Trying to get around each other, we both ended up stuck, I had to pull her out twice.  I ended up putting on one chain on the front tire to get a grip on the ice, and then things got way better.  I did end up backing up for over half a mile till I got to a spot that wasn't quite as narrow with less snow than the rest of the road.  She barely got around me, and I barely got out of that snow bank. but I did and made it home finally.  This weekend we are going to all get together and widen the road and make some turnouts.  At least that's the plan.  We have had a major warm up and about half the snow has melted, so it should make it easier to widen the road.  It rained on top of the snow, so now the road is an ice skating rink on a hill.  Glad we have the truck and chains!  I haven't been out since Wednesday, and won't be going anywhere till Tuesday.

I'm back to combing goats.  Four more are done now.  They aren't all shedding yet, so I'm out there plucking at their sides as they walk by checking to see who's ready to be combed.  That isn't going over too well with most of them. :-)

I'm crocheting a baby blanket for a great-nephew who is due to arrive into the world in March.  I haven't done much crocheting lately.  Mostly needle felting is all I've been doing since last fall.  I did make a cowl and a scarf, but that's it.  I haven't spun anything for a long time!  Time to get back to that pretty soon.  So many things to do....


  1. Your snow looks like my snow! Oh well, we're closer to Spring than to Autumn now...I hope!
    I combed Acer two days ago - he is always the first to shed and he also tends to develop dandruff by the time shedding season is over. Usually I postpone combing him as long as I can - it's COLD! here - but this year I'm going to go ahead and take it off as quickly as he releases it, in hopes of beating the dandruff. Heck, maybe if he gets down to topcoat he'll be so well-ventilated he won't even have the dandruff? I can hope :)

    1. I will be glad when this winter is over. I've stalled out on combing, nobody seems to be really letting loose now. I got the ones that were, now I'm waiting for the next round. I'm glad they don't all shed at once! I have found that the quicker you get the fleece off, the less everything there is. Mine get dandruff as time goes on, too. The ones I've combed so far didn't have any when I combed them, but now they are starting to develop a little. They keep more guard hairs on their bodies the earlier you comb, too. None of mine seem any colder without their cashmere, than they were with it. Have fun with the combing! :-) I'm down to the fewest goats I've had in quite a few years, only 30 cashmeres now. It's nice to not have so many to comb.
