Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Needle Felting

 Here is some of what I've been doing lately.  I can finally show the alpaca I made!  It was a custom order for Christmas, so I couldn't put it up till she got it.  This was fun to do.  I had a couple of pictures to work from, both showing the same side, so I hope the other side looked the same! :-)  Panda is the alpaca's name.

This dog is my Great Pyrenees Nellie.  She's 10 years old now and still going strong.  She still follows me all the way down the forest service road, which is 4 miles long, when I plow.  When I'm doing the turn-outs she lays down in the middle of the road.  Thank heavens nobody came around the corner!  
 I've done a lot of bears, too.  They seem to be popular.  Bear cubs and the parents are what I've been doing mostly.  I really like this needle felting.  It's fun to create realistic looking animals.  (some are more realistic looking than others)  I'll post more pictures soon.  I hope everyone has the best year yet in 2016!  Happy New Year!!!


  1. Wow! Anna, my little sister, thought you got a real alpaca when she saw the picture! It's really lifelike!
